Thursday 30 July 2015

Korean BBQ

Today's Korean food menu is Korean BBQ!

If you haven't tried Korean food before, Korean BBQ is best menu to try for beginners of it. It has variety of choices. Pork, beef, chicken, seafood, and vegetable. 

Korean BBQ is basically grilled meat with charcoal.
The difference between Korean BBQ and just cooked meat is when you cooked meat, they use charcoal to give fire flavors into it. But everyone can't go to the restaurant or buy the grill for this, so many people just use frying pan at home. 
However the side dishes make it different as normal cooked meat. Korean BBQ can enjoy with many different vegetables and side dishes. Generally, we enjoy BBQ with pickled radish, Kimchi, garlic, chili, and been paste sauce.

This photo was taken by me this week at Strathfield Korean BBQ restaurant.
I ate beef and in left corner the green bottle is call Soju, the Korean vodka.
In Korea many people enjoy BBQ with Soju after work or school. ( Like me ;) )

As I mentioned before you can see the side dishes. at the bottom that is pickled onion, at right side the pink one is pickled radish and the red one is call Kimchi.

Now try Korean BBQ today! It won't disappoint you!

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